Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Who's the boss?

Mary was thrilled because her family was coming up to visit her as part of their vacation. They were staying in Seaside, Oregon and since it was only a three hour drive they decided to come up to Kalaloch Lodge in Washington. She screamed in excitement when she saw her siblings and ran to hug them. After the normal "hellos" and "what's going on in your life's" the family decided to go on a Walk on the beach. On the way back to Mary's house, the family climbed all over the driftwood logs like mountain goats.
After they finished playing on the driftwood logs, the family decided to go up to Carlisle's house for the night. To get to the house, they had to take a long drive on a dirt road. Mary's family loved all of the gorgeous views on the way up. But, even more exciting was the chance that they had to ride horses. Mary saddled up Shadow, the only horse that was broken in for riding. The other two were left in the corral. David, Steven and Heather rode Shadow, but she started to get bossy and wouldn't go where directed. Mary decided to get on the horse and show her who was boss. As Mary pulled the reins to turn Shadow, she fell down on top of Mary, with Mary's foot still in the holster, crushing the foot completely. It was Shadow that showed Mary who was the boss, not Mary showing Shadow.

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