Saturday, August 6, 2011

Joy in the Simple Things: A Night of Fun

Yesterday, one of my best friends, Kya and I had a absolutely fantastic night.  We decided that we wanted to go see one of the plays at Utah Shakespearean Festival.  I had already seen two of those shows, A Midsummer's Night Dream, and The Music Man (Thanks to my awesome roommate Emily.)  The options of shows to go to were Noises Off and Richard III; we decided on Noises Off, a comedy about a play in three acts.

The first act chronicled the dress rehearsal where the characters were completely underprepared and the director pulled them through the rehearsal slowly but surely.  The second act was after they had been on the road for about a month.  They all had drama between them and it showed the backstage action that went on while they tried to pull of the show.  The third act showed how the show had deteriorated to a point where no one had any clue what the original show was supposed to be.  Kya and I enjoyed it thoroughly.  We laughed, along with everyone else in the audience through the entire thing.  One of my favorite things about it was hearing the young girl next to me giggle hysterically as the actors ran around the stage with their pants around their ankles.  Brilliant.

After the show, I still had tons of energy.  I'd like to say, I was high on life!  So, I suggested to Kya that we go swing.  I've always loved swinging since I was young, so we went to an elementary and started swinging.  It is the closest I can get to flying for free, and I adore it!  I looked up at the sky, filled with stars sparkling, and acted like I was up there with them.  After we finished swinging, we played on the playground and then ran around the field acting like airplanes.  I laughed, lived, and loved the moment. After that we still walked around Cedar City and talked about life. it was such a simple night of absolute bliss.

It's amazing how such a simple night full of fun could be so wonderful.  I often think about going and doing big, exciting things, and don't focus on the moment.  If I live in the moment and enjoy the small things, life will be so much better.  Last night was a reminder of that.

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